Neeraj Soni

Check out the recent highlight of Our Nano letters paper featured in Advance in Engineering

Surfing the Nano Wave: Dramatic Leap in DNA Sensing with Surfactant-Coated Nanopores

The online platform of Advances in Engineering has showcased our recent Nano Letters article, titled  "Over 30-Fold Enhancement in DNA Translocation Dynamics through Nanoscale Pores Coated with an Anionic Surfactant''. 

Read the highlight here

Read the paper here

Neeraj Soni talk at Indian Institute of Technology Mandi

Neeraj Soni, PhD student in Meller lab visited IIT Mandi and presented his PhD work , in which he talked about the feasibility of whole protein identification and sequencing through sub 5nm solid state nanopore.

Neeraj extensively discussed the biophysical characteristics associated with the single-file translocation of whole proteins, underscoring its importance in contrast to traditional methods. Additionally, he delved into inventive strategies for regulating the dynamics of the translocating molecule as it passes through nanopores.

Neeraj Soni won the best presentation award at Single Molecule Biophysics Conference, France 2022

Neeraj Soni, a Ph.D. student in our group, won the best presentation award at Single Molecule Biophysics Conference, France 2022.

His presentation title : "Denatured protein translocations using sub 5 nm Solid-state nanopores”.

Proteins are the main constituents of all biological cells and are responsible for most of the cellular functions. Many of the current disease-specific biomarkers are proteins or modified versions of proteins hence creating a need for sensitive yet simple methods for protein identifications in clinical diagnostics applications. Herein, we developed a highly sensitive approach for identifying wide range lengths SDS denatured protein complexes. Given the simplicity and eradication of the tailor-made necessities, this assay holds the full potential to sequence the protein at a single-molecule level in the future.

Way to go Neeraj!