Yana Rozevsky presents a talk at the: HealthIL - BME Satellite Event: Engineering the Future of Healthcare

Dr. yana Rozevsky a postdoc fellow in our group presented a talk at HealthIL - BME Satellite Event: Engineering the Future of Healthcare, entitled: An RNA based technology for digital patient diagnosis. She described our nanopore-based technology developed for detecting RNA viral loads and cancer load in vitro and clinical samples. Our results have recently been published in ACS Nano (https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.0c06375). We demonstrated the sensitivity and feasibility of our technique to detect low levels of RNA, beyond the current gold-standard approach, RT-qPCR. We showed accordance between our nanopore-based approach to RT-qPCR result in one clinical sample as an example. We currently focusing on developing a full hands-free lab-on-chip device for single RNA molecule analysis. In the future, we hope that this technology can provide broadly accessed diagnostic devices for digital health use at the point of care. Specifically, we hope that it will be used to combat the coronavirus pandemic and other RNA based viruses by providing early and accurate on-site sensing of the pathogens’ RNA.
